Saturday, October 27, 2007

I don't want to wash dishes!

Jenn over at Leftover Queen is the host for the Royal Foodie Joust each month. Last month the challenge was won by the Brittany at The Pie Lady. The winner chooses 3 ingredients for the next challenge. She chose mushrooms, herbs and cheese.


4 large flat mushrooms

12 balls of Broilie

I small onion, chopped finely

Few chopped coriander leaves

I cup breadcrumbs

salt and freshly milled black pepper

Preheat oven to 200 degrees

Cut the mushroom stalks, chop them and add to other ingredients. Mix and divide mixture between the four mushrooms. Add a little more breadcrumbs on the top for extra crunch.

Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes until golden brown. I drizzled a little oil on the plate from the cheese tub. I added a little coriander for garnish.


Nicole said...

Looks yummo! You know you have my vote :) How do you enter this contest anyway?

Marye said...

wow..those look I guess eating themfor breakfast would just eb weird? :)